Gurukul National Pre-school
About Gurukul National Pre-school
Gurukul National Pre-School is a progressive early childhood education center located in Bishalnagar, Kathmandu, serving children that range from 2.5 to 5.5 years old. The school is designed for children to play, explore, construct, create, and grow in a safe and caring environment.
Gurukul National Pre-School offers six days per week program which is primitively designed to meet each child’s need through individual attention to their creativity, cognitive, and physical development. Children construct their knowledge through the dynamic process of queries, investigation, and reflection. Therefore, the school emphasizes on their self-learning via empirical experience and self-exploration resulting in children become active participants rather than passive recipients.

Gurukul National Pre-School believes children construct the knowledge by experiencing multiple activities. Children are encouraged to participate in open-ended activities and discussion where they are kept in the position to think and express their ideas as independent thinker and learner.
December 2019
good school with highly qualified and dedicated tecahers
pradip subedi
One of the best Montessori in kathmandu